Yeah. Famous last words.
I came home today after sitting in traffic for two hours in the pouring rain. I mean, pouring. My little windshield wipers were doing double-time, but I was still squinting and peering over my steering wheel.
Anyway, I come home and find my poor little husband in our backyard, completely sopping wet, in the rain, barefoot, lodging broomsticks against our gutter to make those darn things dump. And the level of our pool has surpassed the spa and was creeping towards the top.
My two dogs looked up at me as if to say, "Uh, wtf?" Josh came in, soaked to the bone (hmm, where is his raincoat, I was wondering) and said it looked like the water was getting so high that it may leak into the house. And, that would be bad.

So, after a couple of frantic calls to the dads of the family, we learned we needed a sump pump. I called every Home Depot, Lowe's, and Ace Hardware store I could find in the phonebook. Most places were sold out (I had never even heard of a sump pump, but apparently everyone else had), but we finally found one. So, we hopped in the car and were in business.
Currently, out little pump is working its hardest to pump the water from our not-so-mini-lake into the street gutter. Hopefully, it is working. I also keep nervously looking at our ceiling. We could probably use a new roof, so I am praying for no leakage. Yeah, it's times like these I miss our apartment.
So, as we wait for our new little pump to do its business, I am sitting here watching Season Three of The Office and keeping my fingers crossed. Hope everyone else is keeping dry!
ah man! that is rough jen :| i really hope it does what it's supposed to do and you don't have any flooding or a leaky roof. hang in there!!
ah man! that is rough jen :| i really hope it does what it's supposed to and you don't wind up with any flooding and your roof doesn't start to leak. hang in there!!
Good thoughts, good thoughts, good thoughts....
eek Jen! I hope that sump pump thing did the job [no, I've never heard of it either]
The rain majorly sucks! Hope your pump worked! After seeing your comment, I had to edit my post on the chandeliers, they were totally inspired by your wedding!
yikes! sending "keep dry" thoughts your way.
oh, dear.
glad you found a solution - i hope it can keep up with STORMWATCH! 2008! (i love how the news exaggerates stuff)
Eeeek! Stay safe! And dry, if possible!
how horrible. the rain was kind of bad in my neck of the woods but nothing 'too' bad. Funny that I have heard of a sump pump though :) (sorry)
Gah! Stay dry!
Soumds scary so I'm semdimg positive vibes your way! Welcome to the woes of home owmership. Bah.
Soumds so scary so I'm semdimg positive vibes your way!
If it makes you feel any better, even apartment roofs leak. :/ Hope you made it through OK!
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